Professional Collaboration
Graduate Assistantship- Graduate Engagement
Fall 2017 to present

My graduate assistantship provides me with opportunities to work with people and departments around campus.
Past events I orchestrated, conducted and participated in:
-Graduate Student Professional Development, Summer and Fall 2019
-Graduate Assistantship and Graduate Teaching Assistantship training, Fall 2019
--New Graduate Student Orientation, Fall 2019j
-Research Evening, Fall 2019
-Dissertation Writing and Preparation Workshop, Fall 2019
-Co-taught ET 449, Fall 2018
-Graduate Student Professional Development
-Graduate Student Workshops
-Collaboration with Library for Graduate Student Workshops
-Collaboration with the Graduate Student Association to meet graduate student needs
-Dissertation Writing and Preparation Workshop
-Research Day, Spring 2020
-Research Evening, Spring and Fall 2020

Research and Projects
2018 to present

-Transformative Experience Lab, Fall 2019 to present
-UNC & iThrive Game Design Studio Summer Camp, Summer 2019
-InnEdCo Journal Editorial Assistant, 2019 to present
Scholarly work includes:
Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (in progress). Education Students’ Definitions of Creativity in Education: Developing Common Ground to Embrace Shifting Educational Contexts. Creative Education.
Highby, W., Monson, J., Mellman, L., Shawcross, M., & Trembach, S. (submitted pannel). Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students (TLSGS) Annual Conference, "You Are Not Alone: Facilitating a Holistic Graduate Academic Experience through a Dissertation Writing Workshop," Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students. Kingsport, TN. (March 16-17, 2020).
Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (accepted). International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference, "Building Awareness of Teens Lived Experience Through Game Design," International Society for Technology in Education, Anaheim, CA. (June 29, 2020).
Farber, M., Williams, M., Mellman, L., & Yu, X. (Accepted). Systems at Play: Game Design as an Approach for Teen Self-Expression (2nd ed., vol. 2, pp.31). Journal of Games, Self, and Society. http://press.etc.cmu.edu/index.php/product/journal-of-games-self-society/
Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (2019). Education Students’ Definitions of Creativity in Education: Developing Common Ground to Embrace Shifting Educational Contexts. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 128-133). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/208484/.
Mellman, L., & Bernander, P., The University of Northern Colorado Biannual Research Evening, "Outdoor Recreation Behaviors and Health Status: A Proposed Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study of Northen Colorado Undergraduates," The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO. (December 10, 2019).
Williams, M. K., Mellman, L., & Farber, M., Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA) Annual Conference, "Studying Game Design as a Critical Pedagogy through Mixed-Methods," Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA), Denver, CO. (October 10, 2019).
Mellman. L., Innovative Education Colorado (InnEdCO) Annual Conference, "Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom," Innovative Education Colorado, Keystone, CO. (June 13, 2019).
Mellman, L., Bernander, P., & Hamlin, J., The University of Northen Colorado Biannual Research Evening, "Perceptions on How to Improve the Dying Experience According to End-of-Life Care Team Members," The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO. (April 30, 2019).

2017 to Present

-Eaton Easter Bunny hunt, Spring, 2017, 2018, 2019
-Santa Cops, December 2019
-Greeley Food Bank, 2017-Present
-Volunteered at Youth Camp for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Summer 2018