Dr. Letha Mellman

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado
Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA 12-2020
Ph.D. in progress in Technology, Innovation, & Pedagogy
Minor: Applied Statistics and Research Methods
Dissertation Title: Getting Online with Generation Z: Learning Approaches
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA 2019
M.Ed. Technology, Innovation, & Pedagogy
Weber State University, Ogden, UT USA 2001
B.S. Major: English, Minor: Psychology, Emphasis: Elementary Education
$1,900 Research/Conference Grant, Graduate Student Association, University of Northern Colorado, June 7, 2019
$425.15 Research/Conference Grant, Graduate Student Association, University of Northern Colorado, March 31, 2020
$600 Research/Conference Grant, Graduate Student Association, University of Northern Colorado, March 29, 2019
Relief Society President (2021 - Present)
The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Windsor Colorado Stake
Post Doctoral Researcher Math and Science Teaching Institute
University of Northern Colorado (2021-2022)
Temporary Lecturer
University of Wyoming (2021, 2022)
Instructional Designer/Training Facilitator Consultant 307 Safety (2021, 2022)
Graduate Assistant Graduate Student Engagement (2019-2020)
Graduate School
University of Northern Colorado
Graduate Assistant (2017-2019)
Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy, College of Education
University of Northern Colorado
Book Chapters
Rivers, Susan E.; Dunlap, Kelli (2020): Journal of Games, Self, & Society, Vol. 2, No. 1. Carnegie Mellon University. Journal contribution. https://doi.org/10.1184/R1/12215417.v1
Refereed Articles
Farber, M., Williams, M. K., Mellman, L. & Yu, X. (2020). Systems at play: Game design as an approach for teen self-expression. Journal of Games, Self, and Society, 2(1).Rivers, Susan E.; Dunlap, Kelli (2020): Journal of Games, Self, & Society, Vol. 1, No. 2. Carnegie Mellon University. Book. https://doi.org/10.1184/R1/12215417.v2
Manuscripts in Preparation
Williams, M. K. & Mellman, L. (in preparation). Perception to Practice: Definitions of Creativity by Preservice Teachers. (target: Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education)
Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (in preparation). Education Students’ Definitions of Creativity in Education: Developing Common Ground to Embrace Shifting Educational Contexts. Creative Education.
Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (2020, November 29 - December 5). Building Awareness of Teens Lived Experience Through Game Design [Conference session]. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference, International Society for Technology in Education, Anaheim, CA. https://conference.iste.org/2020/
Highby, W., Monson, J., Mellman, L., Shawcross, M., & Trembach, S (2020, March 16 - 17). You Are Not Alone: Facilitating a Holistic Graduate Academic Experience through a Dissertation Writing Workshop [Conference panel]. Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students. Kingsport, TN. https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/gradlibconf/2020/ (Conference canceled)
​Williams, M. K., & Mellman, L. (2019). Education Students’ Definitions of Creativity in Education: Developing Common Ground to Embrace Shifting Educational Contexts. In K. Graziano (Ed.) [Conference presentatio]. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 128-133). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Mellman, L., & Bernander, P., (December 10, 2019). Outdoor Recreation Behaviors and Health Status: A Proposed Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study of Northern Colorado Undergraduates [Poster presentation]. The University of Northern Colorado Biannual Research Evening, Greeley, CO.
Williams, M. K., Mellman, L., & Farber, M., (October 10, 2019). Studying Game Design as a Critical Pedagogy through Mixed-Methods [Confernce presentation]. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Mellman. L.,(June 13, 2019). Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom [Poster presentation]. Innovative Education Colorado (InnEdCO) Annual Conference, Keystone, CO.
Mellman, L., Bernander, P., & Hamlin, J., (April 30, 2019). Perceptions on How to Improve the Dying Experience According to End-of-Life Care Team Members [Poster presentation]. The University of Northern Colorado Biannual Research Evening, Greeley, CO.