Instructional Designer, Educator
About Me
Well hello there! Welcome to my little corner of the web. My name is Letha Mellman. I received my PhD from the University of Northern Colorado in Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy, with a minor in Applied Statistic Research Methods. My MA from the University of Northern Colorado in Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy. My BS from Weber State University in English, minor in Psychology with an emphasis in Elementary Education.
This portfolio is a digital collection of my work and experiences. This portfolio showcases my growth, understanding, and ability to incorporate what I have learned and my experiences as an instructor. As learning is not limited to the classroom, you will see various examples that extend beyond the traditional academic setting.

By clicking on the picture above or clicking here you will race through cyberspace to a gallimaufry of critical, social and global perspectives that I have become increasingly aware of while in my doctoral program.
If you have any questions or want to know more about anything on this website, please contact me by filling out a request to your right or email me at

Portfolio Areas
Below you will find highlighted portfolio areas which I have had various experiences. As education is constant and overlapping, you will likely see some of the same experiences and pictures in multiple areas. Don't worry, I will be sure to emphasize the header topic only once for each picture, so you don't get bored! Thanks for joining me in this reflective adventure!
By clicking on the picture above or clicking here you will be taken to a showcase of applications of educational technology that I have experienced, taught or participated in while in my doctoral program.
By clicking on the picture above or clicking here you will instantly descend upon a mishmash of innovative pedagogy demonstrations that I have experienced, taught or participated in while in my doctoral program.
By clicking on the picture above or clicking here you will be whisked away to a hodgepodge of scholarly work that I have experienced, taught or participated in while in my doctoral program.
By clicking on the picture above or clicking here you will be carried off to a miscellany of professional collaboration that I have experienced, taught or participated in while in my doctoral program.

Please contact me at scatteringawesome@gmail.com
© 2020 by Letha Mellman. Proudly created with Wix.com